Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Girls, seriously?

What is it with the "girls night out"? I don't understand this idea. Never in my life have I said, you know, right now, for some reason, I feel like I need to be around all guys because girls don't have what it takes to make me feel good about myself. I am offended. You know who you are.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


This article made me cry.

Tears of joy. People can be so bad, and yet so good. In the midst of this hell of a world that we live in, thousands of people sent in emails to tell of their good news. The good news that good people are still left in the world. That no matter what, love will always prevail over destruction and fear.

I met a russian guy this past weekend. We had an interesting conversation about religious views. He was into a sort of "pseudo-religion". He said it was parts of a bunch of different religions combined. He said that lately he had been experimenting with voo-doo culture. But this is what he said to me. He said that any religion that was not focused on helping other people, was no religion at all. Words of wisdom.

My heart is full of joy and compassion tonight.